Tea is relatively new to Nepal. Although seedings were received in 1862 as a gift from China, it wasn’t until the 1960s that tea was seriously grown. Today, tea is an up-and-coming enterprise—coupled with the tea industry’s commitment to environmental conservation and concern for those who work in the tea gardens, an emphasis on maintaining high tea quality, and a push for improvements, including that of country infrastructure.
In the lower altitudes of this mountainous country, mostly cut-tear-curl (CTC) tea is produced. On the higher slopes, “hill tea” is produced, most of it orthodox (hand rolled) tea grown organically; over 90% is exported, largely to India.
TeaHaus carries the premium Nepali black tea, Mystic; an outstanding oolong, Finest Jun Chiyabari; two green teas, Himalaya View and Emerald; and a premium white tea, Shangri La, grown at altitudes of 4,000 to 7,000 feet and yielding exceptional flavor nuances.